Geometiles at The National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) in NYC


We were thrilled to be part of Family Fridays at MoMath: the National Museum of Mathematics, the nation’s only museum dedicated to mathematics in Manhattan, New York City.

Presented by Two Sigma, MoMath Family Fridays is a series designed to bring families together to enjoy a diverse array of engaging mathematical activities, promoting interest and enthusiasm among kids and adults alike. The activities are designed so that all attendees, regardless of age, can participate on an equal footing. 

More than 120 kids and adults were enjoying Geometiles during a session entitled “Reach Out and Touch Space!” led by Dartmouth mathematician and geometer, Bjoern Muetzel on December 14, 2018.

Using Geometiles, geometric LEGOs, and 3D prints, Dr. Muetzel invited participants to explore the fascinating world of tessellations in the plane, on the sphere, and even in the mysterious hyperbolic space! Everyone had a chance to construct the five perfect polyhedra – the Platonic solids – and prove that there can only be those five.

What a great journey through the fascinating world of patterns in space!

Here’s an article about the event from The NY Metro Parents. (It includes a few tips on how to make math a part of your family everyday life, including a Math Family Night at home.)

Finally, some pictures from this fun, math evening below!





Geometiles is active in attending math events, festivals (like JRMF), and conferences (like MAA Math Fest) all over the country (and abroad).

Please visit this section of our website to check our past events, and where we are headed next. If you know of an event that we should attend, please contact us.

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