Brookhaven National Laboratory Gifted Math Program

The Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and MoMath: The National Museum of Mathematics run a unique Gifted Math Program.

Geometiles is proud to be part of the 2018-2019 MoMath-BNL edition of the program.

Students explored math problems with Geometiles at a workshop led by Dartmouth mathematician and geometer, Bjoern Muetzel held on December 15, 2018.

A premier research organization and the only U.S. Department of Energy-funded national lab in the Northeast, Brookhaven National Laboratory is home to the only operating U.S. particle collider, an x-ray light source, and a nanoscience research center.  BNL’s researchers are working to answer the most exciting, important questions in science—from the birth of our universe to the sustainable energy technologies of tomorrow.

The program takes place one Saturday morning each month from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and is only open to students who have successfully completed the Institute of Creative Problem Solving.

2 thoughts on “Brookhaven National Laboratory Gifted Math Program

  1. My son completed the ICPS math and robotics programs. I would like to sign him up to the gifted math program at BNL. Can I get more information and the application process? My son will be entering 10th grade in the fall of 2023. Thank you.

    1. Hi, This is just a blog about the program. We are not affiliated with them at all. Please contact them directly.

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