Geometiles at MAA Math Fest in Denver!

MAA Math Fest Geometiles

Geometiles was part of MAA Math Fest in Denver and it was a truly wonderful experience.

Thank you to everyone who stopped at our booth, played with Geometiles or used it as part of a research presentation!

MAA MathFest presents the latest in mathematical research and education each summer from the Mathematical Association of America, the world’s largest community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts. This year MAA MathFest was held Aug. 1-4, 2018 in Denver, CO.

Here are some highlights from the meeting!

It seemed like the fun was never stopping at our booth at the MAA Math Fest! Our booth was full of visitors all the time. If you stopped by to say hi, let us know in the comments!


MAA Math Fest

Math grad student pondering the number of faces in a snubdodecahedron at the Geometiles booth at the MAA Math Fest. It’s a nice problem to solve without driving yourself crazy…


Math Fest

It was an honor to have been part of Dr. Alissa Crans’ talk on introductory category theory at MathFest. Dr. Crans is the Associate Director of Project NExT, Mathematical Association of America and Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Loyola Marymount University

Above you see Dr. Crans and a grad student volunteer demonstrate several incarnations of a surface of genus 2; two of them are made of Geometiles and one is made of play dough.

The talk was part of the invited paper session “Category Theory for All” organized by Eugenia Cheng.  Dr. Cheng is Scientist In Residence at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Alongside her research in Category Theory and undergraduate teaching, her aim is to rid the world of “math phobia”.  She is the author of popular books, How to Bake Pi andBeyond Infinity. She is also math columnist for the Wall Street Journal.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2019 Math Fest!

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