
Geometiles on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, Kids Edition

We are thrilled to see how Bridges to Science’s learners are engaging with Geometiles to explore math, as showcased in this report on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt: Kids Edition. In the first image, the ball-like object in front of the boys is a rhombicosidodecahedron. It is one of the Archimedean Solids, built with…
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Modeling the Newly Discovered Aperiodic Monotile with Geometiles

The world of tilings has recently had a breakthrough discovery: for the first time a single shape has been found that can cover the plane only in aperiodic patterns. That means that, unlike many patterns you see on wallpapers, buildings, or floors, the patterns created by these new tiles do NOT repeat themselves. This is…
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Pi Day 2022: a regular 30 sided polygon.

Several years ago, I explored approximating Pi with polygons made of Geometiles. I described my findings in this blog. Fast forward to 2022, when Charles Fleischer showed me a polyhedral torus I’ve never seen before, and its boundary was a regular 30-sided polygon. The fancy name for a 30 sided polygon is triacontagon. Triaconta τριάκοντα…
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