
American Institute of Mathematics 30th Birthday Celebration Fair

The American Institute of Mathematics sure knows how to throw a party! Yesterday’s birthday celebration was a blast for all attendees — and there were a lot of them. The elegant and serene campus of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) provided the perfect backdrop. The main theme was math in all shapes and sizes,…
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The Caltech Snub Cube

It is not that common to encounter Archimedean solids “in the wild”, especially the two chiral ones (meaning having a left-hand or right-hand orientation). But then the California Institute of Technology is not exactly “the wild” when it comes to anything related to STEM. It turns out that this fountain was designed by two scientists….
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Atlanta Science Festival 2024

It has been several days since I came back from the incredible Atlanta Science Festival, and I am still savoring the experience. The magnitude of the event is best conveyed by this graphic: I had the honor of being part of the booth hosted by Mathhappens Foundation, which has been “putting the M in STEM…
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Guest Blog by Mariana Levin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics at Western Michigan U.

Meet Dr. Mariana Levin, Associate Professor of Mathematics, specializing in Mathematics Education, in the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University!  Her research program in mathematical cognition centers around understanding and supporting K-16 students’ productive disciplinary engagement – broadly working towards an understanding of “What makes mathematics learning experiences meaningful to students?” and “How can…
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