
Geometiles and the Path to Academic Success in a Post-Pandemic World

What are the letters spelling “28 LIBERTY” made of Geometiles doing on a hot summer day in Lower Manhattan? The venue was 28 Liberty NYC, a space next to an iconic office building on 28 Liberty Street in the heart of New York’s Financial District. The event was the 7th Annual New York City Math…
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Modeling the Newly Discovered Aperiodic Monotile with Geometiles

The world of tilings has recently had a breakthrough discovery: for the first time a single shape has been found that can cover the plane only in aperiodic patterns. That means that, unlike many patterns you see on wallpapers, buildings, or floors, the patterns created by these new tiles do NOT repeat themselves. This is…
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The Geometiles Klein Bottle

Delighting mathematicians, artists, and children alike, the Klein Bottle is a whimsical and perplexing surface that was discovered by the German mathematician Felix Klein in late 19th century. While it is most frequently seen visiting our three dimensional world in the form below, its true home is 4 dimensional space; there it fits comfortably, without…
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