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The Geometiles Klein Bottle

Delighting mathematicians, artists, and children alike, the Klein Bottle is a whimsical and perplexing surface that was discovered by the ...

Pi Day 2022: a regular 30 sided polygon.

Several years ago, I explored approximating Pi with polygons made of Geometiles. I described my findings in this blog. Fast ...

Introducing Mobies!

This story started with our desire to expand the capability of the Geometiles® to make transformable hinged constructions. In particular, ...

Art With a Mathematical Bent at the Japanese Friendship Garden

I recently had the honor of having my mathematical art exhibited in a non-mathematical setting for the first time. The ...

Campanus’ Sphere

In these very uncertain times, I find it comforting to look at something eternal and classical. It’s even better if ...

NYC Math festival 2020, online

This was the 5th time that the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) hosted its annual math festival. Last year, the ...

Viral Geometry

For the past several months, our lives have been essentially ruled by a virus. As a result, virology is a ...

For the LOVE of Math

This past Valentine's Day I decided to build a Geometiles version of Robert Indiana's iconic Love sculpture. I wanted to ...

Joint Mathematics Meetings 2020, Denver, Colorado

Being an exhibitor at the Joint Mathematics Meetings gives one a unique perspective on the event. People stop by our ...

The Right Rose

I recently participated in my first collaborative art project with Bjoern Muetzel, Ph.D.  We had so much fun working together ...

Archimedean Billiards

Several months ago, Bjoern Muetzel, Ph.D., had the idea to glue plastic mirrors to the inside faces of a dodecahedron ...

The Geometiles Moebius Strip

Have you ever made a Moebius strip? Simply take a strip of paper give it half a twist, and tape ...