
Math Club Materials: recreational math

Whether you decide to hold competitions in your math club or not, recreational math materials are an important component of your program. If I had one word to describe the most important quality of these materials, it would be VARIETY. Mathematics is an incredibly broad subject, and often kids’ sense of what it encompasses is…
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Math Club staff: the parent volunteers

The success of our math club was largely due to the outstanding teamwork of our diverse group of parent volunteers. The picture above shows four members of our team, each born in a different country, with a different professional background; therefore, each making a unique contribution to the Math Club. We were also fortunate to…
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To compete or not to compete: that is the question

When I first became the coach of our math club, I was not sure if math competitions were a good idea. What if the students get the impression that learning math is just about competing? What if our sessions become just a bunch of competition drills? These and similar questions were in the back of my mind as I began coaching….
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Geometry Installation by Hybycozo and Truncation

I was fortunate enough to visit downtown Los Angeles just in time to see this beautiful geometry installation by Hybycozo at the City National Plaza. The purple object on the left is an icosahedron, and the green one on the right — a truncated octahedron. The icosahedron is one of the 5 Platonic solids discovered several thousand years ago. Here is a picture of the Platonic solids from Johannes Kepler’s work,  Harmonices Mundi, in 1619:…
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